05 Feb The Power of Forgiveness
Posted at 15:57h
in Wellbeing
The experience of being wronged or to do wrong to another human is one of the hardest life lessons we ever endure.
To be able to forgive those wrongs elevates us to a different level of our higher humanity. The process of forgiveness and its effects on ones own health and wellbeing is quite profound. The opposite is also as powerful from its negative affects of holding onto pain has huge consequences on our health and well-being.
Forgiveness is challenged at the human mental level as it regurgitates around judgement, victimization, fear and bitterness creating even more pain.
Life is not random, our free will gives us the opportunity to make choices and decisions in any given moment. How we choose to judge and experience life determines whether we experience life as painful or joyful.
When one can shift from the mental level of loss, judgement, resentment and fear into our higher spiritual intelligence level, this allows compassion to drive our healing and assists us to release and let go of the pain and hurt for our higher and greater good.
What makes forgiveness difficult at a mental level forgiveness is it references only from judgement interpreting the experience to be of right and wrong, good and bad so the core belief makes forgiveness difficult. The dilemma with forgiveness is the balance of two opposing and contradictory energies, the desire to forgive and the need to condemn is cemented in a victim mentality of guilt and shame, meaning the need to blame and hold another responsible becomes the driving force.
- Forgiveness allows you to reclaim something you continue to give power to through fear and pain.
- It never implies condoning the action or behaviour but to transcend the pain, loss and hurt and not be a victim or defined by the experience.
- We need to forgive and remember, not forget. Grow through the experience.
- Compassion arises from the heart not the mind.
- Reclaim what you have given your pain to and express the emotions fir healing rather than repress them.
- We need to remind ourself that an eye for an eye only makes the world go blind as is never the solution to deal with loss or pain.
It’s a reminder to us all life is precious and nothing is permanent and to value in actions whats important in life as nothing is a given. Ultimately you decide who you want to be. Be the love inside and out.