20 Feb The Blind Eyes of Domestic Violence
Posted at 16:59h
in Wellbeing
The never ending cycle of domestic violence continues to shock, outrage, bewilder and pain communities at its deepest level.
Yet its another wake up call of what’s really going on hidden away behind peoples four walls of pain, fear, anger, control, guilt and shame.
Add to that the social and toxic culture of disrespect and bad behaviour often fuelled with alcohol, drugs and pharmaceutical drugs, often used as a persons coping strategy for mental and emotional inner pain.
Add to that the social and toxic culture of disrespect and bad behaviour often fuelled with alcohol, drugs and pharmaceutical drugs, often used as a persons coping strategy for mental and emotional inner pain.
This only suppresses and exacerbates the core problem further, continuously growing more and more negative on the inside to the point of implosion and then is projected outwards through abuse and violence in a most devastating way.
This is again a wake up call that can only be dealt with by not blaming and shaming, but dealing with the core of unhealed pain living inside that no drug can ever fix.
This is again a wake up call that can only be dealt with by not blaming and shaming, but dealing with the core of unhealed pain living inside that no drug can ever fix.
It starts with the individual, understanding that you are not you’re pain, you’re pain is not who you are.
It starts with the individual, understanding that you are not you’re pain, you’re pain is not who you are.
The most important relationship you have in life is with yourself.
The most important relationship you have in life is with yourself.
To respect and value anyone or anything starts with valuing and respecting yourself, this is where change and transformation begins.
To respect and value anyone or anything starts with valuing and respecting yourself, this is where change and transformation begins.
Understand whatever your fighting and resisting you strengthen.
Understand whatever your fighting and resisting you strengthen.
Express it and not suppress it, its never weak to speak and its never too late to transform and heal our inner pain.
Express it and not suppress it, its never weak to speak and its never too late to transform and heal our inner pain.
It’s time to change the story!
Lifeline 131114
Men’sline Australia 1300 789 978
Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36
Kids help line 1800 551 800
Lifeline 131114
Men’sline Australia 1300 789 978
Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36
Kids help line 1800 551 800