Rise and shine

Fundamentally our life journey is to explore universally the parts of our nature that are presently hidden from us, so we may express and live more authentically enabling life to have meaning and purpose and providing the life we’re meant to live.

“Your greatness is not what you have, it’s what you give.”

Kaylene Wynn

Fundamentally our life journey is to explore universally the parts of our nature that are presently hidden from us, so we may express and live more authentically enabling life to have meaning and purpose and providing the life we’re meant to live.

In this book Kaylene Wynn, psychotherapist and transpersonal counsellor brings insight into healing the inner deepest self.

Guiding you through life-changing lessons she has personally experienced, Kaylene explains the importance of firstly creating a solid foundation of wellbeing by understanding your inner layers from your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers and learning how to integrate them by creating a more self-loving, balanced, whole self.

When you can grasp and action this process, you can learn to heal and move through problems and learn lessons more quickly with less stress and pain, allowing you to RISE and SHINE and Awaken Your Greatest Self.

“When a hurdle blocks your path know it’s teaching you to jump higher!”