08 May Define you or divine you? That is the question!
Every single one of us began as a blank canvas, molded by family, teachers, religion, culture, friends, peers, media, society all have influenced and brainwashed us unconsciously since time began on who we are and who we have to be.
There has been a major shift happening on our planet for some time trying to awaken us all on a conscious level. It’s as if we have been in a deep sleep and everything globally is being shaken up to awaken us to a new level of being, understanding and living.
As we all have a conscious and a subconscious mind. Much of our behaviour is directed through our subconscious mind corresponding with our beliefs, values, experiences and habitual patterning’s. We’ve all been influenced positively and negatively by life’s experiences as well as by our positive and negative influencers.
It’s these influences that have shaped our thinking and beliefs. Most people are unaware the level that their unconscious beliefs strongly influence their lives by the choices and decisions they make. Ideally, we need to make conscious what is currently unconscious which can only happen through learning self-awareness.
We are governed by our ego (personality) and a higher mind or soul. Our Soul is the unique expression of the divine. It’s the bridge between our spiritual self and our individual physical/self and a higher power.
As humans, we all tend to have an understanding of our physical self and minimal awareness of our soul-self, the true self. The wisdom of the ages suggests that our challenge as human beings is to become conscious of what is unconscious in us.
Our life journey is to explore those parts of our nature that are presently hidden from us so we may express ourselves more genuinely. To become acquainted with our shadow side, the dark and unknown parts of our psyche that we have not yet owned, as well as know and own the soul side of our nature. Our ultimate aim is to embrace the opposing forces within us, the “bad” and the “good,” and bring them together creating the “Whole Self” or wholeness.
To do this we need to move through the things that block the awareness. These blocks are our challenges to unlock something greater that is within us all. These blocks function in the mental, emotional and physical aspects of our foundation of well-being. They block the natural flow of energy creating stress, pain and dysfunction in different areas of our life.
They indicate that something within us is out of alignment with the true nature of who we are. The blocks signal that we have unresolved issues that may be repetitive in nature and our unconscious and conscious programming is needing an upgrade.
Often this reflects the character shadows that reside in our subconscious mind. The blocks are related to our character in who we think we are. They hide our true nature, our true essence.
Our personality – ego, views these blocks as problems, challenges, limitations, difficulties and hurdles. These blocks limit our ability to enjoy life fully and completely usually leaving us with the feeling that something is missing.
From the spiritual perspective, these blocks are the gateway and path to growth and transformation.
Paradoxically, we can only get to the positive through the negative. Like it or not, pain gets our attention. Pain also challenges the ego’s perception that it has complete control of our life. If we want to be rid of the pain, we must do the work that leads us to a greater consciousness and a greater self.
In the university of life, the challenges come to us for good reasons to make the unconscious more conscious. If we deny and block the pain to avoid it, our problems continue to grow until our suffering becomes so great, it is forced upon us to learn the lessons it brings. The human journey is to evolve to greater level of consciousness and experience the opposing pulls of our world of duality and bring soul to help us learn, grow and evolve. The question now shifts from who are you, to who do you want to be?